Tumbles and Wiggles

Last night, Keira went to sleep at about 8 and ended up waking up for her bottle at about 2:30am...and 3:30....and 4:30.... I really do feel lucky in that she really is easy to put back to bed. She just wants her bottle again and she's out. It's just the waking up part. We're still learning about each other, but one thing that I have FINALLY gotten with her pattern is that when she takes her early afternoon nap...that is when she'll have a great, huge poop! She gets the overnight diapers for that nap.
At about 5:30, I heard the noises starting in the baby monitor, so I was just getting ready to get up to get her when I realized something...she was talking to herself. She was also singing to herself. I couldn't understand a single thing that she was saying or singing, but hey...she sounded content, so I let her amuse herself. It was a relief.
When she was finally ready to get up, I got her up, changed her diaper and brought her into the livingroom. She so far has been pretty uninterested in the TV. She might peak here and there at cartoons on TV and so far, the thing that she has been interested in for over 10 seconds has been Max's old 'Little People' DVDs (VERY cute by the way...). Well, this morning, she was actually ENTHRALLED by what was on TV. Guess what it was? THE WIGGLES! I tell you, I sure don't get it, but there is something magical that happens when children see The Wiggles. Max used to watch it over and over again. We would ask him what he wanted to see when he was almost 2 years old. His response was always "Guls!!!" That was his way of saying Wiggles, but he couldn't say it clearly just yet. No wonder those guys are millionaires. They have figured out some way to keep small children enthralled even when they have no interest in TV otherwise.
Mom and I brought Keira to a tumbling class today at JW Tumbles in Vista. It was so cute. She had a great time playing with the other children and LOVED the tub of balls. Now you KNOW she had a tantrum when I was trying to pull her out of it when playtime was over. The have something over there also called Kids Night Out where they will basically babysit until 10 at night so that you can have a Date Night with your spouse. Dan and I were thinking about doing that when we think that she's ready...although to be honest, there are already many people that want to babysit her that we would probably let them! :)
Pictures are of Dan and Keira playing with her teething toy as well as Keira at the gym having fun!
I also want to say thank you so much to everyone for your encouraging comments and emails. At the Adoption.com boards, everyone was also so encouraging and supportive...I do feel much better. It's good to know that I'm not alone with my feelings of being overwhelmed at times. I appreciate all of the love and support and hopefully as time goes on--it will either get easier, or I'll get used to it! :)
Sharon-It sounds like Keira is doing well and you are doing a great job as a mommy. Thanks for sharing your Baby Keira experience with us. It certainly gives me a perspective on the adoption experience from someone that I personally know. Again, thank you. Keep blogging and sharing the great stories.
Hey Sharon, keep the pictures and stories coming. She is so beautiful!
As I read your blog, we're watching the Wiggles *S* Jess loves them and also a short skit called Go Baby.
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