A Golden Piglet Once Again...

Keira's appetite has diminished some since we got back and I think that Dan figured out why. She's been saving her appetite for her bottles of rice cereal and formula that she loves so much that she gets when she is going to bed. I mean, you should SEE this girl! She lets out a HUGE scream of extreme happiness when she sees her bottle. Well, we're trying a few different things today...
After reading a book on toddlers, I realized that there are a few things that I'm going to have to work on with her to get her out of the habit of. The first is her waking up a few times through the night for a bottle (I knew the "success" on her sleeping completely through the night wouldn't last!) Apparently aside from it being bad for her teeth, it isn't going to be much help with getting her to learn to get herself back to sleep. We decided that this venture was best saved for the weekend when Dan doesn't have to wake up so early in the morning because I'm SURE there will be some crying to start with. I did try it a little during her nap today following Supernanny advice. She slept for about 10 minutes in the car then when I got her inside, she decided that she was wide awake and wanted to play. I put her in her crib and gave her an afternoon bottle of Pediasure and milk which normally puts her to sleep, but she wanted to scream and play after that. After the first incident, I went into her room and told her that it was time for bed and got her to lay down again. After I left the room, she of course was back up screaming. I went back this time saying a quicker "time to sleep". That of course was not enough. After that, I went back in and it took 5 times this time of saying nothing and laying her back down in the crib. After the 5th time, I guess she finally figured out that I was going to keep on doing it and she layed in bed quietly for a bit until she finally went to sleep. Although I was really happy that it actually worked this time, I don't know how easily it will work each time. We'll see...
After she got up from her nap, Lola fed her and she actually ate quite a bit. Dan and I then took her for a stroll at the Harbor then went to a restaurant where she totally polished off some Mac and Cheese as well as a carrot stick. Man, the Golden Piglet is back in full force. Hopefully she'll be able to sleep through the night now since she SHOULD be full after all that!
As a quick side note, I cut her bangs today. She was getting a wonky eye from her hair getting in her eyes all the time, so I decided to bite the bullet. She looks so cute, although, there is only so perfectly straight you can cut a baby's hair that loves to squirm around and be into everything!
After reading a book on toddlers, I realized that there are a few things that I'm going to have to work on with her to get her out of the habit of. The first is her waking up a few times through the night for a bottle (I knew the "success" on her sleeping completely through the night wouldn't last!) Apparently aside from it being bad for her teeth, it isn't going to be much help with getting her to learn to get herself back to sleep. We decided that this venture was best saved for the weekend when Dan doesn't have to wake up so early in the morning because I'm SURE there will be some crying to start with. I did try it a little during her nap today following Supernanny advice. She slept for about 10 minutes in the car then when I got her inside, she decided that she was wide awake and wanted to play. I put her in her crib and gave her an afternoon bottle of Pediasure and milk which normally puts her to sleep, but she wanted to scream and play after that. After the first incident, I went into her room and told her that it was time for bed and got her to lay down again. After I left the room, she of course was back up screaming. I went back this time saying a quicker "time to sleep". That of course was not enough. After that, I went back in and it took 5 times this time of saying nothing and laying her back down in the crib. After the 5th time, I guess she finally figured out that I was going to keep on doing it and she layed in bed quietly for a bit until she finally went to sleep. Although I was really happy that it actually worked this time, I don't know how easily it will work each time. We'll see...
After she got up from her nap, Lola fed her and she actually ate quite a bit. Dan and I then took her for a stroll at the Harbor then went to a restaurant where she totally polished off some Mac and Cheese as well as a carrot stick. Man, the Golden Piglet is back in full force. Hopefully she'll be able to sleep through the night now since she SHOULD be full after all that!
As a quick side note, I cut her bangs today. She was getting a wonky eye from her hair getting in her eyes all the time, so I decided to bite the bullet. She looks so cute, although, there is only so perfectly straight you can cut a baby's hair that loves to squirm around and be into everything!
Here are some pictures of her. First one is her and Lola after a really TOUGH day of shopping- there is only so much time in the day to do more and more shopping- a rough life. Next is her playing with her dog after her bath. The others are of her in her "pigpen" trying to con Lola into playing more with the duck that Terri gave her. You can KIND OF see her haircut although I'm not exactly sure what on EARTH was on the TV!
I just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your posts and see Keira's pictures. I hope to adopt a little girl as cute as Keira one day from China. Enjoy your time with her. Keira looks really good with her new haircut and she is so cute.
Oh, look how cute she is!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the bottle and feeding is a fine line to walk.
Happy to see she likes the duck. ROFL
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