Doctors and Lullabies

I forgot to mention that Keira had a doctor's appointment yesterday with Dr. Stein. Of course she charmed the pants off of everyone, although, not enough to avoid a few shots. The dr. said that I probably don't need to worry about the huge battery of tests until our insurance kicks in about a month from now. She looks healthy and checks out great in all of her vitals. She did get a few shot for things that he said would be possible issues that we would need to worry about now (Tetanus etc) as well as a Hemoglobin test which came out just fine.
Last night, she slept most of the night, but did wake up at 1, 2 and 5 in the am. Not too bad. It kind of reminds me of the days when I was Outage Managing at work during the on-call night shifts. You sleep if you are able to with a pager by your ear scared that you might miss the next call that comes in. This time, however, it's a baby monitor by your head and a crying baby at the other end. She is very easy though and I know that I'm very lucky. Usually when she wakes up, it's because she wants her bottle, which I will give her and she' out again a few minutes later. It's just the waking up part that's hard.
Today, Keira and I went to the Carlsbad Outlet Mall. I bought her a cute sun hat from Baby Gap, a belt for Dan from Kenneth Cole and a squishy ball and lullaby CD in The Right Stuff. On the way home, I decided to listen to the lullaby CD to see how the songs were. Keira was babbling and singing along. I stopped at a stoplight and next thing I know, I fell asleep for a minute! I looked in the backseat, and so had she! At least I can say that the CD definitely works. I was home about 5 minutes later and she woke up and although she was obviously VERY sleepy, she was really fighting it. Uh oh... if she was going to take a nap, it needed to be NOW so that she would be up in a good enough time for her to be up.....before having to go to sleep for the night- Did that make any sense? Anyway, she fought and fought and fought it--sleepy eyes, yawning and all. She fought it so much that now it was too late for her to take a nap. She ended up staying up until about 7:30pm to HOPEFULLY stay down for the night. We all tried everything. Mom even took her outside in her harness to walk around and get her tired, but she just wasn't having it. Well...she's asleep now. Hopefully it lasts the night! Pictures are of Dan and Keira spending Daddy and baby time together on Daddy's chair. She was already really tired, but wanted to stay up (she's kissing her Hello Kitty toy we call "Baby".) The other picture is of Lola walking her around in her "walking wings". Jackson is unimpressed as you can see.
Sharon, you have to say "hi" to your mom for me! She looks great, although I'm going to have to talk to her about the leopard spotted pants. ;)
I think I may have to get one of those cd's, Sharon. Jess falls asleep fine in my arms and I'll think she's totally out - I can move her around and she won't wake up - but the second I put her in her crib - wide awake and crying!! After getting 4 hours of sleep the other night and a little more last night (but not all at a time) and with Mike working today, tomorrow and Thursday, I put her in her crib and didn't rush in when she starte crying. God, that was hard! Just when I was about to give up, she fell asleep. I hope it's for the night as I need some sleep also.
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