Miss Independant

Yesterday Keira turned the big 1-5. That is 15 months! Of course, I checked the "What to Expect- The Toddler Years" book to make sure that she is on track with where she should be at her age and she's pretty much on track except that she doesn't have any words mastered consistently yet. Considering that up until a month ago, all she heard was a completely different language, I would say that she's doing great! She's trying to walk on her own so much more now and doesn't look around for a guiding hand as much anymore. Now if I could just get her to a point where she doesn't want to grab everything out of your hands and scream when she can't have it! I guess that will come in time, right? Hopefully? :D I feel so bad having to say No so much more now, I'm worried that she'll start to think that NO is her name! We did make a compromise though with her brushing her teeth. I brush them first to make sure that it's actually done, then I hand the toothbrush over to her and let her brush her own teeth. She LOVES it!
I took her to the gym with me for the first time yesterday and she did GREAT! I put her down at the Kid's Club area and she waddled over to a little boy coloring at a table. She started to say really loudly "Ah! Ah!" to him, he turned around to me and the lady that worked there saying " Uh.....I think she wants to color". It was too cute! When I got back in to get her, she saw me and motioned for me to come over and pick her up. She went there again today and made fast friends with a little girl that was trying to pick her up when she fell.
She was watching a Baby Einstein DVD yesterday and started to try to count in German (the dvd had different languages counting and saying Nursery Rhymes). It was SOOO funny, I could hear mom laughing hysterically from the room when she heard it. Keira was so proud of herself.
Here are pictures of her playing and standing on her own, brushing her teeth and smushing her face up against the Pigpen being the crazy little character that she is!
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