The Terrible Twos???
Is it as bad as I am making it out to be? Nah! I can still picture the little boy laying on the floor in Target kicking and screaming because he wanted to be the one to put the trashbags in the shopping cart. I remember looking at his mother as I was walking around the screaming bundle of a child on the floor and seeing the frantic look in her eyes silently pleading with me to understand that she's not a bad mother. Would that be me one day???
I know that before we have children, we always say "No, that just won't be me! There is no way that I would put up with that!" That's great and everything, but what about when reality hits? Will you stick to your guns?
Normally Keira is a happy, laughing, smiling, singing little girl. Every once in a while, sure, she'll cry over having to hear a "No" from Mommy or Daddy, but it's almost always short lived. After that, she's happy, laughing and smiling again.
Yesterday and this morning was a different story. It came out of NOWHERE! I can't even begin to count all of the times that she would burst into crying fits when she didn't get everything that she wanted. It was CONSTANT! Now, it wasn't the screaming, back arching tantrums that you normally see from kids, but it was SO much crying and whining. Well, that wasn't working too well since I would pick her up, make her look me in the face while I talked to her in a calm, low voice explaining that if it didn't stop, she would have to go in the corner. I would get her to respond to me on whether she wanted to stand in the corner (which of course the answer was no) and she would stop soon after.
Well, that worked just fine! That is....until the "No's" started. Now she was crying and yelling "NOOO!!!!!" I got her most of the time to change her "NOOOO!!!!!" to a "No thank you!" but you know that would only be as consistent as it can be for a 2 year old!
I lost track of how many times she ended up in the corner. As a matter of fact, After she cried about SOMETHING and said "NOOO!!!" while hitting the table, I looked over at her and gave her the "Oh no you DIDN'T!" look and she walked HERSELF to the corner and stood there! LOL That crazy girl...
I talked to some people at work that have children about it and the general answer was the same, "Yes, sounds like the Terrible Twos! Brace yourself!"
So here we are....The Terrible Twos. One of the good things about having her go in "The Corner" when she's misbehaving is that there are Corners EVERYWHERE....I'm getting the feeling that she will be visiting them a little more often than before! ;)