Simon Cowell is a Genius...

The only TV show that Keira has been interested in so far has been The Wiggles. She loves all of the songs and dancing and tries to sometimes copy what they are doing. Most people that I have told that have asked "Well, has she seen the Teletubbies yet?" of all because I find them to be kind of creepy! :) Well, it's not about me, now, is it? I set the Satellite to record the Teletubbies today to see if she would even be interested at all in it. MAN! It got reactions out of her that were pretty amazing. It was almost like they were speaking to her in some little baby language. She REALLY seemed to understand everything that was going on. Now, don't get me wrong...I STILL think it's creepy...even MORE so now. There was some little skit with the Teletubbies playing instead of sleeping like they were supposed to and whenever they would settle down, this creepy voice would start to sing a weird lullaby. Hello!??!? Creepy! But hey, what can you do? Our baby loves it so guess what gets recorded every day now...
Keira and I ran around doing errands all day and it was just warm enough to try to take her to the pool! I got her dressed up in her swimming diapers and her new bathing suit. I got towels and carried her on the long trek through the greenbelt to the swimming pool. As soon as we got there....guess what? The pool is closed for repairs. ARGH! Here she was all dressed up with no place to go! I took her back home and she started dancing around in her bathing suit shaking a box of raisins like a rattle. She TORE those raisins up- about 3 boxes. I started to look for other community pools that she could maybe go to online, but came up empty. I loaded her into the car and started to head out to try the beach and see how that would go...and I got up to the first stoplight before she was out cold. I ended up turning around and taking her home for an early nap. After that, Dan came home. We played for a bit, then he said that the thought that she had something in her diaper. He wanted me to check. I said that her diaper felt kind of full, but she wasn't stinky, so it probably wasn't poo, so he could probably change her! Boy was I wrong. I could hear him from the room going "Oh boy...this is a BAD one!" I went in to help out and lo and behold (not for the weak of stomach mind you) There was a HUGE load chock full of raisins. Yikes. After that, we somehow managed to eat dinner and we headed over to Barnes and Noble for Pajamarama. The pictures I am posting are just silly ones of her trying to wear my sunglasses and my eyeglasses. She's a goofball.
LOL Someone probably should have warned you that raisins are a bit of a diaretic (sp?), much like prunes. Glad you guys survived it though.
Teletubbies are totally creepy. UGH. Never did like them, still don't like them.
I think the Teletubbies are creepy, too! I haven't exposed Chloe to them yet. Hmmm... Didn't one of them get busted for being naked under thair suit?
I noticed that the sunglasses are mommy's Prada sunglasses. Regardless, Miss Keira, you look very cute in them and I suspect when you get older, mommy will buy you a pair just like them if you need. I imagine Prada has baby sunglasses. You could use a pair now as well as what Uncle Rod says, a good pair of running shoes. Love Auntie Lorraine
She is so darn cute in those sunglasses! Teletubbies are totally creepy. So is Barney if you ask me. Kids like the stuff though - what are you gonna do?!
:) Dawn
I think I want to be a Teletubby for holloween next year. Are you guys in?
ONLY if I get to be the Red one or the Yellow one. The Purple one with the purse is too out there. It's a guy...with a purse...what's the deal with that??? I think that the creepiest thing of all is that baby sun!
BTW...if someone is naked under a suit...wouldn't that make them....CLOTHED?!?!?! lol :D
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