Big Brother Is Watching...

I always thought that I was a crazy thrashing sleeper, but I tell you...Keira takes the cake. She will start off peacefully on one side of the bed laying on her back. Next thing you know, she is completely turned around crouching on her head on her knees sound asleep on the other side of the crib. You have to see it to believe it. It's hard to believe that anyone would be able to actually sleep in a position like that. I always thought that she was waking up several times throughout the night, but it turns out that many of the times that she is crying out, she really is still asleep. She twists and turns around so much in her sleep that sometimes she gets into weird positions and is uncomfortable for a moment, but will settle back into sleep. The problem with this is that even though we had a baby monitor set up so that I can hear her, I couldn't tell whether her crying out was from this or because something was actually wrong. This normally wouldn't be a problem getting up in the middle of the night everytime I hear a cry out if it only happened a couple of times, but this usually happens anywhere up to 10 times a night. If only there were a way that I could tell whether a cry out at night were the kind where something is wrong or if it was a cry out that resolves itself a minute later. The solution?? A video monitor! Now I would be able to see what was going on in her room when she is sleeping! I found a good one with night vision that wasn't crazy expensive at Baby Depot and boy is it eye opening! For example, when she is quiet in her room taking a nap, with a sound monitor, I think that she is sound asleep. With a video monitor, I can see that she is really pulling her socks off and throwing them on the other side of her crib. With sound, I think that she is sleeping, with a video monitor, I can see that she is really pulling the blankets and sheets out of her crib and trying to pull her name picture off the wall. She is a crack up. Last night was the first trial and although I did still have to get up twice to give her the binkie or a bottle---I WOULD have gotten up about 7 times if not for the ability to see that the other 5 times were the crazy sleep cry out, so that's a LITTLE better, right? I'm trying to be optimistic. She is very funny to watch. She has spotted the camera and will look at it sometimes, but hasn't quite put 2 and 2 together to figure out what is going on. Dan was in her room dancing around like a crazy dad and I had her watch him on the monitor. She was pointing and laughing until he came out into the room a couple of seconds later. She was SO confused! She was pointing at him, then would turn around and point at the monitor with the most shocked look on her face. It really was funny. Anyway, here is a picture of her from the monitor where she was SUPPOSEDLY asleep. The other picture is of her with Dan where she insisted on wearing my boots.
I also want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers for Chris, Gi and Max... also for the Fisher Family. Thank you Jen for including Chris and the family in the rememberance for Dave's Sister. It means so much to me...
Ah, yes, video monitors. Very eye opening. While I don't have a video monitor, I catch the firls trying to read under the covers at night with their flashlights. Keep in mind, they aren't real flashlights, but lights like the light up roses from Disney. LOL
Glad that everything is going well.
Baby monitors are cool. We have one as well for the comfort of knowing that our son, Kellen, is doing okay. I was reading the other day that infants and toddlers go through some pattern of deep and light sleep throughout the night. My understanding is that babies tend to make a little more noise during their light sleep pattern period. You guys are doing awesome. Keira looks like she is definitely a happy baby.
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