Earth Day and The Con Artist

Today Keira did great at church today! She hit an all time record of about 35 minutes before she got bored enough to where I had to take her outside. Before that, it was about 15 minutes. At least it's getting longer each time, right? After that, she had her nap and then we headed back to the Mission (where we go to church) for an Earth Day Celebration that was being held. They had lots of booths, food and stuff going on. Dan let Keira run around on the grass since we didn't have to worry about her getting hurt when she fell. MAN is she running alot now! She just kind of went straight from learning to walk to almost immediately running. When she fell though, it was pretty clear that she never really experienced grass. She would get this look like "What the!?!?!?!?" when her hands would touch the grass from falling. Another thing that she has discovered that she likes to do is pushing her stroller. There is a compartment to put her diaper bag etc at the bottom that has a bar that is JUST the right height for her to use as a handle. After that, we headed over to the mall to the Playtown where she met up with a little girl that she loves named Isabelle. Isabelle is about 4 years old, but just LOVES babies according to her mother. She is a very nice girl and is so gentle with Keira. She played for a bit- then home for a nap. After her nap, we let her play around for a bit, then put her in the pigpen to have some time in her own personal space. She's such a crack up! She's a total con artist and really schmoozes you trying to get you to pick her up and get her out of the pigpen. I gave her a little bit of chocolate which you can see from the pictures on her mouth. The pictures that I am posting are first a really cute picture Dan took of her eating. After that, there are some pictures from her on the grass at Earth Day. The last pictures are of the progression of her being a con artist. First you can see all of the drama that goes on. Once she finishes with her dramatic episode, she sneaks a look around to see if you noticed. Next is the arms outstretched with the pouty face. As you can see from the last picture---it's so cute that usually daddy will give in.
1 comment:
Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it
--- Fleur Conkling Heylinger
--This poem kept going through my mind as I read your posts. It is SO TRUE. :) Love,Becky
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