The Many Adventures of Keira!

This is our page to document our family's adoption journey- starting from when we first started planning for our little one, to when we brought her home. We're also going to keep this updated with all of the things that Keira has been up to since she's been home with us here in the U.S!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Our baby!!!

Word can't even describe how happy Dan and I are right now! The time has been extending more and more to where it just feels like an eternity. Something was telling me last week to look at our agency's waiting children list. I did...and THERE she was!!!!! I knew the first second I looked at her that I was looking at the face of my baby girl! I called Dan and told him how excited I was and how I wanted to get more info. Was she even still available for adoption? was the website outdated? It was late on a Friday afternoon and since our agency is on the East coast, I knew we wouldn't hear anything until Monday...sheer agony. Although I promised Dan that I would try not to get my hopes up, I kept staring at her pictures. We finally got the information Monday morning that she was still available and we put in to officially request a match. Since there were many people also interested in her, we had to wait until the decision was made in a committee meeting. Another week of waiting....
They had the meeting last Friday and Lauren, our social worker called...WE HAD BEEN MATCHED! I was crying so hard from happiness that I wasn't sure I was really hearing what I thought I was hearing!
Now we wait for the Fed Ex package with the information and our official letter of intent that we will need to have formatted and sent off to let the Chinese Government know of our intention to specifically adopt her.
Her name right now is Hui Xiao Wen and she is the most beautiful little baby girl I have ever seen in my life! I know...I know...I'm biased ;)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Let's Try This Again!

I started a different blog to document everything that Dan and I have been working on to bring us closer to our little girl. It was under a different spelling of her name---I probably should have discussed with Dan how he wanted to have her name spelled first, huh? Well....he wanted Keira so I had to change the Blog name...oops! Here are the posts that I already put on the previous blog :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Still Waiting..and Waiting and Waiting...
Well, at the beginning of the process, there was a waiting period of about 6 months. Right after we were DTC and LID (Dossier to China and with a Log in Date) back in November, the time was extended to approximately 9 months. Well, not long after that, the time was THEN extended to about a year...and soon after that, extended to about 14 months. What can you do? We've kind of gotten used to having to wait and truly believe that things happen for a reason. Dan just started a business back at the end of June and it's been keeping both of us insanely busy. If things had worked out as we originally thought, we would probably have been leaving to go to China right around now. Things are still so new, it would have been so stressful for Dan since he would have been worried the whole time about how things were going with the business while we're gone. We figure that it's all in God's plan and with the extension of time, it just means that there is a certain time for us to get OUR little girl. It was kind of sad though....a couple of weeks ago, Dan received a email that I sent to him back in January. It's a site where you can send an email that won't be received for whatever future date that you set up. The email was basically set to a time that we should have gotten our referral for our little girl and that we were going to set to go to China. Obviously things haven't gone exactly as planned when I sent that. It just seems like it's been forever that we've been waiting...That's ok...everything happens for a's all in God's plan. If I tell myself that enough, I really do believe it! :)

Friday, March 31, 2006

Greetings and Salutations!
Hi All,This is just a first post to get started with this blog to document our journey to China to adopt our baby. We still have a ways to go before we receive our referral, so I thought that I would go ahead and make sure that this particular "name" was available! Anyway, we are just starting to buy things to decorate the baby's room. I've bought a few things and have selected Kidsline Arcadia as the theme! It's really cute with jungle animals. I kind of went back and forth between wanting ladybugs or Hello Kitty stuff, but Dan made the most sense. He wanted animals so that our baby will learn stuff--besides-- we don't like bugs anyway :)