The Many Adventures of Keira!

This is our page to document our family's adoption journey- starting from when we first started planning for our little one, to when we brought her home. We're also going to keep this updated with all of the things that Keira has been up to since she's been home with us here in the U.S!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sea Life

Sea Life opened not long ago at Legoland. It is a separate facility next to the entrance for Legoland that is a huge aquarium. It is set up almost in a maze pattern where you enter in groups. It kind of reminds me of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, where everyone goes into that crazy elevator thing before going on to the ride. When you first enter, you all go into an entry room where you hear the welcome and the instructions on not terrorizing the fish before you enter. It's really great! Now of course, it is no comparison to Sea World, but then again, what is??? There are lots of aquariums of all sizes as well as interactive areas for children.
Keira and I decided to head there early in the morning before her afternoon nap. Here she is with King Neptune. Sorry for the horrible quality of the pictures. They were all from my cell phone.

Here is Keira checking out some of the displays

Here is one of the wall murals. It's all indoors. It's kind of weird because it doesn't look like that big of a building, but they really do have alot going on in there!

One thing I like about Sea Life is that they do alot of the displays with kids in mind. Here was an aquarium that kids could crawl under and pop up in the middle of the tank to make it seem like they are looking from the inside.
Now what would an aquarium by Legoland be if it didn't have Legos in there? Some of the tanks had huge Lego submarines and people. They did a great job and we'll have alot of fun checking Sea Life out on the breaks when we can't get to Sea World!


Rod said...

That place looks insanely cool! we can't wait to bring Chloe there!

Anonymous said...

Another place to visit YAY!!!!!! THANKS FOR THE PHOTOS and Sharing!!!