A Fun Summer
Here are some pictures as promised. Max took most of the pictures on his camera from their trip out and unfortunately I didn't get a chance to download them on my computer. So these are just the ones from my phone. Hopefully he will send them soon. For being so young, he really takes the time to plan out the pictures he is going to take. He'll tell Keira exactly where to pose and where to stand. It's pretty funny!
First we headed up to Vegas to pick Auntie Gigi and Max up. I was dying to see the new Palazzo Hotel and I have to be honest...I was pretty disappointed! I remember thinking about how beautiful the Venetian and Venezia are and wondering how they were going to be able to top it...looked like they didn't bother trying! There really was nothing very impressive about it and from the looks of the pictures, the rooms pretty much look exactly the same as the Venetian.
Here are Max and Keira in the lobby of the Palazzo. One thing I have to say is that the fountain there was beautiful. Something about it seemed to inspire the two of them to have a sudden desire to practice their Synchronized Swimming routine.
We headed to Disneyland and unfortunately I didn't get any pictures, but I did get a couple of pictures of Keira at the beach. We were probably there every other day and Uncle Mike taught Max and Gigi to surf! They both did pretty good- much better than I ever did! I can't even stand up on the thing! Lorraine and I were watching from our little tent as Gigi was standing up. Apparently Mike didn't have much wax on the board and next thing you know...we see Gigi do this strange looking cartwheel looking thing from the surfboard! Both of us at the same time went "YEOW..that had to hurt!" She hurt her shoulder a little, but it wasn't too bad and laughed it off saying "Yay! My first surfing injury!" LOL
In case you are wondering, I wasn't originally planning for Keira to go in the water, but you know how it works with kids and plans. Her clothes got SO wet that she ended up having to run around in her training pants! She loved running around with the board and would sometimes put her sippy cup, her shoes and her clothes around on the thing. It was pretty funny to see.

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