Where Has The Time Gone?
Things have been pretty hectic around here lately, so I haven't had a chance to get caught up on stuff. My schedule changed a little at work as of January 1st and now I have to go in one extra day a week than before. I know that I've been spoiled only having to go into the office 3 days a week. Although they have been long days, it still was nice to have one less day of a commute, one less day of headache and one more day to spend with Keira. It's taken a bit to get used to, but I think I'm getting a little more used to it now. One thing that I have gotten out of the change is to be more appreciative of every second that I get with her.
She's growing SO fast and SO quickly! Where has all of the time gone? She had a doctor's appointment with her specialist the other day and she is now 26 pounds and 35 inches tall and is just growing out of her clothes and shoes faster than you can imagine. I'll put a pair of pants on her that are the perfect length and the next time I put them on her, they are total floods.
She is talking, dancing and singing so much! No matter what she is doing, she will stop immediately to sing and dance along to the Backyardigans. I know that I probably sound like a crazy mom but it really is amazing how ever since she was about 15 months old, she has been able to sing along with songs in it's entirety keeping up with the exact timing of the songs. Granted, it is in her own little baby language, but you know exactly what she is trying to sing because the timing is perfect. She loves music and really is a ham. "BaBEE...Watch THIS!" is what she says constantly for you to watch something that she is doing that she KNOWS is cute. lol
Anyway, one of the reasons for her visit to the specialist is because we needed to discuss her having a biopsy of her liver. Her doctor has wanted to do a biopsy so that he can get a better picture of exactly what is happening with her liver. Her test results LOOK like although there is definite viral activity, that it is still probably very minor liver damage. I've been avoiding it as much as possible for a few reasons. There is never any guarantees with anesthesia...especially with a baby/toddler. I've also been afraid of risks from internal bleeding from the procedure. Dan and I have just been so concerned about risks unless the procedure is absolutely necessary. It sounds like it's starting to get to the point where it is becoming more of a necessity, so we finally relented. She really has a wonderful doctor and he will be performing the procedure himself, so I trust him...but you know how it is. I'm just worried...
The procedure will take place on a Friday and she will have to stay overnight. He is allowing Dan and I to stay there with her every second, so I'm happy about that.

She is definitely growing fast. I am sure Keira will just do fine on her test. Plus, she will have you guys next to her which I'm sure will give her some level of comfort.
Our prayers on a fast recovery Keira!!! We dred Marissa's test on her kidneys as well this year!
Kids bounce back faster then us old folks LOL.
Keep us updated!!!
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