Since I get one less day off from work a week now, I really appreciate the time that Keira and I get together even more (if that's possible!). I love to just plan little days for us to hang out and do stuff together. The original plan for today after she got up from her morning nap was to take the Coaster down to Old Town. I've been dying to take the Coaster since there are free trams that will take you to popular locations. Apparently there are so many people where I work that take the Coaster that there is even a free tram that will take you from the Coaster Station and drop you off pretty much right at the front door of my building.
Well, those plans were pretty much a bust. The only times that we would have been able to go were during Keira's nap times. That wouldn't have worked out too well.
We decided to go to the Wild Animal Park instead! Not a bad backup plan, huh? We had such a fun time! She loved looking at all of the big animals up close. The Lion was right up against the glass staring right at us. It's a good thing that the glass is thick and he wouldn't have been able to jump over the enclosure. It actually was making me a little nervous being THAT close to a big lion! After that, we headed over to the Elephant show where she got to be right up close as well. She was thrilled since The Elephant is her favorite animal.
We headed over to the Safari Tour after that and she did great! The last time I brought her she was about 16 months old and it was really hard because she was getting so antsy being cooped up in a tram for 30-40 minutes. Wow what a difference a few months makes! She sat still and was able to pay attention and really enjoy herself looking at all of the animals. We had such a good time. She saw lots of giraffes and rhinos (that she called elephants) and pretty much paid attention through the whole ride. What a relief!

We went over to the play area that NORMALLY has water spouting out, but because it's still winter and was freezing cold...there was no water thank goodness! We had alot of fun running around and jumping on the animals. The funniest part was when she put her face in the megaphone looking thing and didn't realize that people can talk to you from the other megaphones. A funny man said hello to her from a megaphone thing at the other end of the playarea and you should have seen her face! It was priceless!

Here she was sticking her head in the megaphone

I wasn't able to get a picture the exact second she first heard the man's voice saying hi, but this was close!

Our final stop was at the petting zoo area where they had so many deer walking through. Keira and I got to pet deer and goats and although she was a little scared to begin with, she warmed right up to them and had a great time...she didn't even want to leave.
Our membership expires at the end of the month and I've been contemplating whether to renew or not since we haven't been able to go to often. After seeing how much more she "gets" it now...I think my decision has been made :).
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