Water Baby

Not that staying busy was ever a problem before, but I've been working especially hard on staying busy and being out and about since losing Jackson. The house just seems really lonely without him keeping me company when Keira would be taking her naps. Keira and I have been running around doing errands, going to Birch Aquarium and of course the weekly staple- Legoland!!! She has been having so much fun over there now since she realized how fun the water can be. She REALLY gets soaked now. Crowds of people will be walking by and most have to stop and laugh at how cute she is running through the water scream laughing. Every once in a while, she'll do something really funny like stick her head right on the spout just before the water comes shooting out or will sit on the flat ground spout. It's a good thing she didn't end up giving herself an enema! She really has a great time. At Birch Aquarium, she got to play with some of the exhibits and really loved touching the starfish. I'm also including some great pictures that Auntie Lorraine took when she was watching Keira. She was supposedly a really good girl, although there is an incriminating picture of her playing with Mommy's computer, which is a huge no no! lol One shows her crazy hair when she takes out her pony tails. She looks like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. Either that or Sideshow Bob. The other picture is a great picture that she captured as Keira was doing her favorite thing....her random screaming and laughing. The ladies at the gym Kid's Club call her either Boo or Screamer....Hmmm...I wonder why :)
Keira is so pretty!
Fabulous pictures.
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