A Visit From The Curry Clan!

This weekend, Keira got a chance to meet all of her cousins on the Curry side of the family in one shot! The Dukats are from Virginia and are Dan's sister Laura, her husband Eric, daughter Hannah and son Noah. The Frucheys are from Arizona and are Dan's sister Christine, her husband Todd, daughters Fallon and Aria. Todd wasn't able to make it out, Christine and the girls stayed with us. The Dukats are doing a big West Coast visit, so they stayed centrally to all parties in Huntington Beach. Noah, Keira and Aria are all 2 months apart in age in each direction with Noah as the eldest and Aria as the youngest. When Aria got off the plane, Dan carried her which instantly set off the baby girl's competition. They were VERY competitive with each other for everything from affection to toys (especially Max's dump truck!) although they did get along when they played together. They did all learn to share everything- including a nasty cold, so you can imagine 3 very little ones with dripping snotty noses. Needless to say, we ran out of Kleenex FAST! Hannah and Fallon were both so good and patient with all of the babies and it was alot of fun! We got to go to (of course, Keira's favorite) Legoland as well as the beach. The last day that the Frucheys were here though was more of a resting day since Keira ended up getting pretty sick. It was alot of fun and we can't wait to see them all again! As you can tell from the pictures, with so much baby chaos going on, it was very difficult to get all of them looking at the same direction for pictures. Here are some of the pictures of them all playing as well as Keira and Aria watching the Wiggles together. This was one of the few quiet times with both of them together, although it didn't last long once Keira snatched the blanket away. The last one is one that Dan took when Keira woke up after her nap. She wasn't feeling good, but looked way too cute running around in her onesie and Uggs on. In August, she'll finally get a chance to see Auntie Gigi and Max as well as see Lola again!
Wow! a ton of kids romping around the Curry residence.
Nothing more joyful, or noisy, as a house full of kids, specifically toddlers. LOL
Need to email you pictures I got of Keira yesterday. Not the greatest, but she's cute no matter how bad the photographer is.
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