Tai Chi Boo

Speaking of the gym, Dan has had an ongoing back injury and shoulder injury and although going to a Chiropractor has helped significantly, doing alot of weightlifting was not helping. Now with the business keeping him so tied up and adding lots of new stress, we tried to figure out a way to help with all of the issues. The answer? Tai Chi of course! He started taking lessons a few months ago and it has worked wonders. He still gets a workout, but his stress levels have gone down significantly and he no longer has the aches and pains he was feeling. Today, they had a tournament at USD, so Keira, Lorraine and I headed down for the show (Dan left earlier to make it on time). Keira looked very cute (of course) wearing a shirt that Dan found for her in China. He was it in the window and immediately ran in to buy it for her. It is a pink shirt with picture of pandas doing Tai Chi movements. When Dan came out, Keira was holding on the rail screaming out for "DA!!!!" It was very funny and everyone around was laughing. Yes, it was probably a little distracting for him. He also was in the "Push Hands" competition. They put him up against a guy that looked like the big guy from The Green Mile, so needless to say, Dan was handed a beat down. After competing against one more person, the guy had to stop because he almost had a heart attack! Dan was bummed that he didn't get picked to go against him third! :). We headed home and Keira got to eat a chocolate soft serve cone from Dairy Queen. It was the first one that she had and was enjoying it WAY too much!
Sounds like a lot of fun. She is such a cutie.
Happy Mother's Day, Sharon!!!!!!
I just love that.
Hi Miss Keira,
Thank you, mommy and daddy for letting come along to watch daddy do tai chi. I had fun with you and mommy and Korea house. I hope the black beans didn't raise too much havoc. I'm glad that you enjoyed the ice cream cone..I think mommy enjoyed the Moo Latte from Dairy Queen as well. I'll see you all next time..Tell daddy happy birthday for me since I won't be in town this weekend. Love auntie Lorraine
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