OUR Daughter...

Paula, who was one of the mothers in our travel group that adopted Jessica also has a blog. In one of the entries, she posted something that Meg Ryan said about her daughter that she adopted not long ago from China. “I am convinced, completely convinced that there was nothing random about the adoption,” Meg, 45, tells Redbook in its May issue. “She is the daughter I should have.” You know, every day as time goes on, I am more and more convinced that there would never have been another child that would have been more suited for our family. Keira truly is OUR daughter. One of the comments that people always make about Dan and I is that we are always laughing. Keira is such a happy FUNNY baby. Sometimes her and I will be in the car on our way to have an adventure somewhere around San Diego and we will both just be laughing hysterically about silly things together. This morning, Keira had me laughing during her breakfast time. I cut up some fruit for her and put her in her chair with them in a suction cupped bowl in front of her. I left for a second to wash the dishes (I can see her from the kitchen) and watched her out of the corner of my eye. She was eating and when I came back over to her, she had the hugest grin on her face. She turned to the side to show me the pieces of apple that she had placed in her ears. She didn't put them in far enough to be a scare so it was VERY funny. She just laughed and laughed. After her nap after the gym, we tried to head over to Legoland, but discovered that apparently during slower season times, they are closed on Tuesday and Wednesdays! We went to the mall so that she could run around in Playtown and ride the Carousel. Dan wanted to see how she would react to it a few days ago and she loved it! I've included pictures of her riding the Carousel as well as playing at Playtown. The other picture is of her and daddy kicking back reading their motorcycle magazines.
Apples in her ears! I love it!
Oh my, apples. LOL
And yes, Keira is definately your little girl. The three of you were made for each other, right from the beginning.
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