December 20th, my little baby turned 3 years old!!! We spent the day at Disneyland and she was in absolute Princess Heaven! Mom, Gigi and Max arrived and Lorraine was able to come too. Disneyland is absolutely beautiful during the Christmas Season...all the's a "must do" for Christmas. This was Sleeping Beauty's Castle. We just happened to be right in front when they did the transformation from the regular lights to the Special Winterlights they put up.

Small World!!! They updated Small World for the Christmas Season. It is definitely a sight to behold. We go to Disneyland every Christmas, but I am always in awe everytime.

These were some pictures before we headed out to Disneyland. Max and Keira decided that since they couldn't make Snow Angels, they would make Tile Angels instead. Not quite the same effect, but just as least for us watching them :).

The gang's all here! This was when Doowa, Max and Auntie Gigi arrived. They all jumped on the couch to read "Where The Wild Things Are".

The next morning was when we headed to Disneyland. Here are Auntie Gigi, Max and Keira on the Tram from the Mickey and Friend's Parking Lot. This picture cracks me up since it's so typical of the family chaos that goes on. Max was playing around with Keira's hair and the look on her face is priceless! LOL

Here are Dan, Mom, Lorraine, Keira and Max all standing in Line at the Finding Nemo Submarine ride. WOW! Keira loved this ride. All through the ride, she was yelling and waving "Hi Nemo!!!" "Hi Dory!!!" She loves Finding Nemo and it's so much fun now that she recognizes all of the characters.

Uh OH! PRINCESS HEAVEN!!! We had lunch at Ariel's Grotto in the California Adventure Park. I had read mixed reviews on the food and the experience and it honestly looked like more of the bad experiences with late seating etc were all later in the day. Because of that, I decided to make our reservations for lunch as early as possible. Definitely the way to go!!! We were seated right away, the food was absolutely FANTASTIC and she saw just about EVERY princess.
When you first step in, you meet Ariel. Ariel and Cinderella are Keira's favorite princesses, so she was absolutely thrilled.

Each of the princesses were introduced one by one and went to each of the tables to meet the kids. Ours was one of the last tables even though we were right in front to see all the princesses come out (they went around in the opposite direction from where we were). It couldn't have been better. Because we were one of the last tables, each of them were able to really take the time to stop and take the time to talk to Keira and wish her a Happy Birthday. Here is Keira and Cinderella.

Keira and Sleeping Beauty

Keira, Max and Belle

Keira and Snow White

Here we were waiting in line at the Haunted Mansion. They made it in the "Nightmare Before Christmas" theme which is always alot of fun.
We had a wonderful time. Keira is still not quite used to holding 3 fingers up as her age, but she'll get it soon! I can't believe my baby is 3!
Happy birthday Keira!! (Jess now calls her "Keira with a K" when we look at your blog to differentiate from my friend who uses the Gaelic spelling Ciara who she calls "Ciara with a C")
I cannot wait to bring Jess and Jason to Disneyland this summer! Jason's been to WDW and HKDL but I doubt Jess remembers HKDL since she was so little.
That is cute! When we first decided to name Keira, we originally went back and forth with whether to use the Gaelic spelling..but decided on the K. It really makes such a huge difference when they are a little older and actually can recognize the characters. Keira has been to Disneyland so many times, but didn't finally "get it" until this trip and it was so much fun!!! Make sure to let us know when you guys come this way for your Disney trip..we'd love to see you guys again!!!
OMG we are so going to California Adventure for Arielle's Grotto! Can't wait. Thanks for the photos and blog about it!!!
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