Dan is working on Sundays right now, so Sunday is Keira and Mommy day to hang out and enjoy the day. We do have our routines. She usually is wide awake by 6am and begins the day yelling for me to come and bring her to the potty. She has really been doing great with her potty training and is just about completely potty trained during the day. She hasn't had any accidents and consistently goes on her own now. She is still in a crib, so naps and sleeping at night she still wears diapers. I think that starting this week, I'm going to let her sleep in a regular bed during naps so that she can maybe start getting used to getting up if she needs to go potty or hopefully she can learn to hold it until she gets up. Sunday mornings Keira likes to make breakfast. She loves making scrambled eggs and runs to the kitchen yelling "MOMMY...EGGS!!!" in excitement. She runs to the kitchen table to grab a chair and drags it into the kitchen. I get her ingredients together so that she can work her magic. She's pretty good with breaking eggs, although she still gets some shells in the bowl. Here she is scrambling the eggs.

She has a little bowl with cheese and anything else that she wants to mix with her eggs. She sometimes likes to have mushrooms and onions. She takes small amounts of her ingredients and whisks it in with her eggs.

She love to make her eggs and is actually very good at it!

Ok, now I understand the concern that some of you probably have with the fact that she is actually at a stove cooking. I am always right there with her and she knows that she is ONLY allowed to use the stove with Mommy or Daddy there. She understands the concept of being careful with the stove being hot and that she has to be careful. If I get too close to the stove, she even tells me, "Mommy! Don't touch...it's HOT!!!" I let her stir the eggs for a minute, then Mommy finishes it off as she puts the bread in the toaster and gets set up in her chair to eat breakfast.
After breakfast, we head off to church. She loves one of the traffic security guards at church named Butch and always gives him a hug when we see him. She is really doing great at church and although she does get a little antsy towards the end, she loves singing the songs and saying "Peace Be With You!" LOL
After church, we grab Amelia and head down to the beach to give her a nice walk. It's kind of nice that summer is over because the beaches are less crowded.
Happy Sunday!
1 comment:
OMG! And Mari and I thought rice cooking was hard. Keira's all cooking eggs and breakfast! Man... geez we better get on the ball!!!
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