We rounded out the rest of Fisher Week with trips to Legoland and Sea World and we had a blast! Keira and I go to Legoland all the time, but something wonderful and magical happened in what seemed like overnight! What is that you ask? Why, she turned 36 inches tall!!! She was 35 inches tall and out of the blue, her little head hit the 36 inch bar. This really opened up a whole new world at Legoland for her because now she could suddenly ride just about every ride! She got to ride her first roller coaster- The Coasterasaurus! She was a little scared, but ended up being a real trooper. By the end of the ride, she was saying "WEEEEEE!"

In the new section of the park, they have a ride like the Frog Hopper that you see everywhere. Her and Auntie Gigi got to ride it together and I thought for sure it was going to scare her, but now! She had so much fun.

Max is about 48 inches tall and really can ride every ride now in Legoland and a couple at Disneyland that he was never able to ride before! (California Screamin' and Indiana Jones). Here he is on one of his favorite things to do at Sea World, the bungee jumper. There were NO lines and we got to ride the Journey to Atlantis 3 times in a row and got totally soaked. That really is a great ride! I love how it starts out as a water ride, then you end up in an elevator that takes you up to the rest of the ride.
I had a game card for the gamezone so we used it up on carnival games. Max had his heart set on winning a big Luigi which meant that he would have to knock down 3 of those doll things on the shelf. Ok, I have to be honest, I didn't think he would have been able to do it. I can't even do that! You know what? He suprised me and won the thing! There was a guy with this girlfriend standing next to him with his jaw on the ground, "He's doing better than me!" He tried again after seeing Max so easily win the Luigi and of course, he lost. Wow...Max really is a natural athlete!
Here are Keira and Max showing off their prizes! Max won Luigi and although Keira didn't really win anything, she loves showing off her bucket of popcorn! :)
Gigi and Max left to go back home to Chicago yesterday....we had a great time guys! See you in August!
Wow...what an awesome time with Max and Tuesday!! What a fun week ...you guys did a lot! I was just sad you didn't blog about the Backstreet Boys and Clay Aiken!!!! Lol!!!!
Hey Now!!! That is supposed to be a secret! I can't believe that she told you about the secret songs that no one is supposed to know about that we were listening to in the car! SSSSH! LOL
If i'm not mistaken, Max is sitting next to Luigi! It's good to see pictures of Gi and Max. Tell Gi I said "What's up!"
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