It's Fisher Week! Do you know what that means? It usually means that Keira and I go into training for about a month ahead of time to prepare for "The Arrival" of the Fisher Clan! Going to the gym on a regular basis, push ups and taking vitamin supplements. Just kidding...but hey! Any of you that know Gigi and Max know that one of the great mysteries of the world is figuring out where on EARTH they get all of the energy that they have to do all of the things that they want to do in a week! Gigi's even been in training for a mini-triathlon which scared me because that could only mean that she would have even MORE energy and that is a SCARY thought!

They flew out from Chicago to Vegas and stayed in Paris with some great comps courtesy of Mom's itchy slot machine arm. They were originally going to rent a car and drive out to San Diego, but I was able to start my vacation a little early, so hey! Why not? Lorraine, Keira and I decided to drive out to Vegas to meet them! We started out early in the morning, but ended up getting stopped for a while by Stateline where a big rig had turned over. Thankfully, it wasn't long since I was falling asleep! We got to Vegas and boy...Keira was in heaven! She just LOVES Max to death and torments the poor boy by forcing him to hold her hand all the time. He does love her as well, but when you are a 6 year old, having a little 2 year old chase you around copying everything you do can cramp your style! lol Just kidding. Max has been so great with her and very patient. I'm not kidding...she copies EVERYTHING that he does and says.

Here is a picture of them sharing a chair at Starbucks

Riding a ride...she had to be EVERYWHERE that he was

Well, this was one of the only exceptions. She totally has a thing about those dancing video games.I have no idea where she got it from!
We ended up staying at Whiskey Pete's at Stateline on the way back. Somehow Mom had a bunch of comps from there too! You've all seen it. We were kind of scared and weren't sure WHAT to expect. "Icky Pete's". Well, we were really in for a surprise. The rooms were pretty nice, the food was good, the service was good and Lorraine and Gigi saw a great Lounge band that they raved about. Who would have thought??? The only problem was that the elevators smelled like a very big fart. We would joke that everyone probably got so excited that Whiskey Pete's wasn't as big of a dive as they thought it would be, so they couldn't contain their excitement once they hit the elevator! "Whiskey Pete's is GREAT!" Pooooooot! lol
We went over to Buffalo Bill's and rode the log ride. The water was kind of stinky so we were joking around calling it "Poo Poo Water" What did we do that for...They have a machine set up at one of the bridges where people can shoot water at you as you are going by. Can you believe that they shot at us? Even with a baby??? lol We were all laughing saying, "What kind of person would shoot at a baby???" Well Keira was so disturbed by it that to this day, she still talks about "Baby with the Poo Poo Water!!!" Gigi and I went to the top of the bridge and discovered a malfunction with the shooting machine where you didn't need to put money in. We would stand at the top of the bridge and when people would go by, we would look around pretending that we were talking, but we were really the ones shooting at them! I mean, who would suspect two women with a toddler to be the culprits? :) It was so funny and I promise that I didn't shoot water at any babies!

The next day we headed off to...where else? Disneyland! Gigi's friend Chela used to work P.R. for Disneyland and she was wonderful enough to call in a favor for us. We got hoppers for both parks for free!

Here is Max...can you believe how big he has gotten?

Here are the two cousin in front of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. She just absolutely adores him. She started yelling out for him whenever he's not around. It was so funny the other morning, she woke up and looked around. She cupped her hand to her mouth and started yelling, "Keira! Keira!" Uh, Keira, you're here already. She thought about it for a second then realized that she meant to be calling for Max. "Max! Max!" It still makes me laugh.

The happiest place on earth...that is until she starts copying him and annoying him again! lol
Well, we're only a little less than halfway through Fisher Week, so I need to conserve my energy for the rest of the week when we'll be at the beach, Sea World, Old Town, The Zoo and the Space Theatre as well as anything else that Gigi can think of! See you all later!