The Many Adventures of Keira!

This is our page to document our family's adoption journey- starting from when we first started planning for our little one, to when we brought her home. We're also going to keep this updated with all of the things that Keira has been up to since she's been home with us here in the U.S!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! It's been a crazy and hectic few days. We've been taking Keira to a few places to see different types of Christmas Lights and Christmas Trees. One very original tree was the one at Legoland. Of course it was made completely by Legos. Here is Keira playing in the Duplo Lego Room. Duplo blocks are the really big ones that are easier for toddlers to put together, so she has a great time with them.Going to get more Legos to play withKeira running around in front of the Lego Christmas tree.
Later that night, we headed up to Irvine for the Holiday Party that we held at Dave and Busters for Dan's employees. It was also Armani, Luis' daughter's 2nd birthday, so they brought her a brownie with a candle on it to blow out. She didn't want anything to do with it, so Keira blew it out.

After a big dinner, we all headed over to the game midway to play some games. Dan and Keira played the Harley game, which is the only way that Keira gets to ride a motorcycle with Daddy.
Here she played a different driving game which she did really well with! I think that she drove the car better than I would have! lol

Today for Christmas, we opened gifts a little late and Auntie Lorraine and Uncle Mike came over for Christmas lunch. Keira got so many great gifts. Here she is playing with the Pucca doll that Auntie Gigi and Max got her.

Hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!!


GO TRAVELING "Get Up! Go Traveling!" said...

Merry Christmas Sharon and Family!!! Hey Baby Mari has Pucca too!!! Our Pucca Keira and Pucca Mari should meet one day lol

AmyO said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas :)