The Many Adventures of Keira!

This is our page to document our family's adoption journey- starting from when we first started planning for our little one, to when we brought her home. We're also going to keep this updated with all of the things that Keira has been up to since she's been home with us here in the U.S!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Today I'm heading to Boston to meet with the 2 other families that will be traveling to China with us as well as people from the agency. I've been corresponding by email with Joy, Linda, Lauren and Amanda from WHFC now for the past almost 2 years and it will be nice to put a face to the typed words. We're all the way out in California and the agency is in Boston. It would have been nice to be able to visit the agency more and have more face to face meetings with them, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Our baby was on our agency' waiting children list (Horizon Kids) and if we hadn't been with this particular agency, we would not have OUR baby. I feel that everything happens for a reason. The people from the agency have been great in keeping us up to date with info etc, so I have nothing but positive things to say.
I've been sick now for the past few days so I'm not necessarily looking forward to traveling to a cold part of the country right now. Hopefully the flights won't be delayed or anything. I'm flying out this morning and won't be arriving until really late tonight. The meeting is tomorrow morning, then I fly back out after that.
We received some things from Brenda today including a baby carrier for if Keira sits on my lap on the plane as well as the cutest rocking horse you have ever seen! I can't wait until Dan can put it together in Keira's room--although he's even sicker than ME right now! Thanks so much Brenda! :)

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