Keira still loves everything having to do with Disney Princesses, so when I saw that Disney on Ice was in town, how could I not bring her? Dan came as well and joked that he had no problem seeing an ice skating show since he is comfortable enough with his masculinity...as long as Keira sat next to him so that people didn't think he came to see it alone! LOL
I've been telling Keira that we were going to see the Princesses to prepare her for the show, but I don't quite think that she got it. On the drive down, she had fallen asleep so I carried her in. She woke up as we were sitting in our seats and of course was a little confused with what was going on. The show started soon after and had little shorts of various Disney stories- Nemo, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and of course a short segment with all of the princesses! Keira sat through this completely silent and with a look on her face that was very difficult to interpret! Was she confused? Was she in awe? What was going on in her little brain?
During the intermission, she was still a little quiet and not her usual talkative self. It wasn't until the second half when we realized that she was just taking all of the sights and sounds in. When Mulan came out, she yelled, "Mommy...MULAN!!!!!" and from that point, she was excitedly pointing everything and everyone out to us..."Mommy...Princesses...Mommy...Castle! Daddy, Look! Spiderman!" (She thought the dad from the Incredibles was Spiderman LOL) She was having a great time.
We've been encouraging her to tell us about things that she has done during her day, so we asked her what she thought about the show when we were in the car. She was talking a mile a minute telling us about everything she saw...including how Ochidokio ate the whole shark by himself and he was going to bite you (This of course really means how Pinocchio was eaten by the whale LOL). We stopped to get something to eat and when she got out of the car, she immediately started shuffling around on the sidewalk spinning around pretending to ice skate. I'm glad she had a great time :) .