Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Where has the time gone?
Wow! Things have been so hectic, I haven't written for a while. We've been working on some home improvement stuff- painting the house, gardening etc. I've also been having some problems with my health (nothing serious, but I've gone to the dr. a few times and the chiropractor). Apparently, from what they can tell, I tend to internalize stress and although it usually never shows that I'm experiencing stress, it ends up manifesting itself in other ways physically. Stress? I have no idea what they are talking about! ;) We'll see...
In between all of that going on, we've still been running around and playing with the little one here. We took her to the Water Park in Vista to play in the water and she finally seems to have conquered her fear of Rippity's Rainforest. It's a playarea that has the water shooting up all over the place etc. She does great at the Legoland water area (not the big area with the buckets etc, but the smaller area) but has been too scared of the water areas that have bigger jets etc. I unfortunately don't have any pictures since Dan took the camera for a project he's working on with work. I'll take some soon...
On another note...wow! I can't believe that it's already 5 months that we've had our little girl. Time flies so fast. She's definitely been keeping me busy and has definitely been growing! It's so funny..granted, she can still fit comfortably in 9 month onesies from Carters, but she also is finally fitting in 18 month old clothes that friends and family bought for her as gifts for when she first arrived! Thanks so much to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts. She is getting so tall! Once in a while, I will put pants on her that are 9-12 month old and although they still fit her waist-wise, she has definitely gotten much taller. They are total floods now. Very funny!
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
7:25 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
3:22 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The Baby Brawl Part II
Actually, I should call this "What COULD have been the Baby Brawl Part II" because nothing ended up happening like last time. As you recall with the first Baby Brawl, there was a cute little girl that for some reason butted heads with Keira. They kept going at each other wanting to fight and to be honest, I turned away for a second and didn't see who the initial instigator was. After yesterday, I'm 99.99% sure that it wasn't Keira and was the other little girl.
Yesterday, In between running errands etc, I took Keira to the mall to run around Playtown and get some of her energy out. The second I put her down for her to run around, who do I see? Yes...that same little girl that she was brawling with before. I was going to try and keep them away from each other, but I figured that kids need to learn to get along, so I didn't. I just decided that I was going to watch how they both interact very carefully.
There was a moment when they both stood there toe to toe staring each other down. I was sure there was going to be another showdown, so I started to move closer to stop any fight that might have started. Soon after that, Keira turned around and walked away looking for something fun to play with. That was the end of that...
Why am I so sure now then that it was the other little one that started it? Well, when watching Keira play, I would take a look every once in a while to see where the other little girl was. Twice, I saw her walk up to other little kids and would give them a clonk on the head that was completely unprovoked. Eventually her mother took her away since she couldn't play nicely. I'm pretty sure now that in that second when she was standing over Keira last time they met up, she probably clonked her as well--thus causing the little baby brawl. Keira fought back which was a good thing I guess... I think... I don't know... is it? I definitely don't want her to fight all the time and want her to know her limitations, but I also don't want her to be a pushover.
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
6:11 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Potty
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
9:55 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007

Posted by
Dan and Sharon
8:54 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Fourth of July

Dan and I used to live Downtown in a cute little place just a few blocks up from the Harbor. I LOVED living downtown and honestly wouldn't mind living there again if it were more kid friendly and didn't have so many pervs with blue dots down there (Megan's Law). There was always something going on downtown which would result in a fireworks display that we could either see from the rooftop patio or from the living room. The first couple of times we were very "Oohed and Aahed", but after that, it starts to be no big deal. Because of this, although we do honor the Fourth of July, we don't go out of our way to see fireworks. This year having a baby with us makes it very different and we were dying to go so that she could experience fireworks.
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
7:04 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Random Observation
Posted by
Dan and Sharon
9:18 AM